Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"86" Samurai Salad Man

Our Samurai salad man (aka Blake) has informed us he will be moving on to bigger and better things. He has done the right thing and given proper notice. I thank him for that because I have a sneaky feeling that he will be back.

He's been itching to get behind the line and I think his new position will offer him that. I caution him though, because someone gives you an opportunity it doesn't mean you're ready. It could do more harm than good. Never the less, I fault no one for stepping out and giving it a shot.

Good luck Blake.

In other staffing news:

Justin continues to improve and prove himself valuable. He has been splitting duties between cold kitchen and the line and is doing a great job.

Cacho (my Sous Chef)is still a rock and continues to be the glue that binds this kitchen.

Victor is a serious saute man. That little dude rocks.

Miquel is a happy dishwasher, salad man and 2nd saute. A happy crew is a fast crew.

Lo Lo is doing a great job holding down the fort busting suds.

Jeff, though part time is doing a nice job on saute or in the middle.

Good ole Juan still contributes on the weekend as the "old timer" on salads and desserts.

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