Thursday, May 22, 2008

From the Garden

By: Patrice Sebastian

And so the growing season has finally begun. After such a long, hard winter, I am thrilled to be able to work in the garden. This year is again fresh with anticipation for being bountiful and beautiful.

It is our third planting season at Sebastian’s and we are cultivating herbs, vegetables and fruits in and around 23 raised beds which were constructed by my stepdad Dick and nephew Michael. I call our crops organically grown, although we are not ‘certified’ organic. Our biggest challenge is the very clay, dense, cement-like soil. It is so difficult to work, and the crops don’t respond well to it either. I am continually supplementing. We compost kitchen scraps, with the help of a Mantis double barrel composter (a very slow process, nevertheless). We also add purchased organic manure, humus, etc. The rabbits are also a problem, even with a fenced perimeter.

Today I planted Chattenay carrot seeds, and radish seeds; watermelon and daikon. I also planted basil, lemon thyme and cilantro plants.

Most thrilling of all, I harvested asparagus, for the 1st time – enough for dinner, for my daughter and me.

The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth,
One is nearer God’s heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth.

“Garden Thoughts”


Its raining and the seeds and plants are growing.

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