Wednesday, January 5, 2011

All Hail Spinalis

Click for close-up if you dare.

Coming to a Kick-Ass Restaurant Near You!


Michael Walsh said...

are those the outer edges of a rib-eye rolled up?

Salty said...


Ask me how good it is.

Michael Walsh said...

etSee, the ironic thing is that my meat guy has been pushing the 'fillet of ribeye' which would be everything EXCEPT what you have rolled up.


I need to get back to butchering more of our own meat.

Michael Walsh said...

Hey, not related to this specific post, but I want to try out some pheasant. I've never worked with it before. Any suggestions. I have whole Wisconsin redneck pheasants on order.

Salty said...

Prepare as you would chicken but beware, it will dry out on you in a heart beat. It also tends to get tough if over done.

Depending on costs, consider a 1/2 bird done two ways. Cook the hind quarter until tender, finish on gril or opan to order. (think crispy exterior, tender inside.)

Caerfully cook the boneless breast to order. Make a demi out of the carcass that you'll be boning out.

Michael Walsh said...

Thanks for the head's up. I did a stew with boneless thighs, tenders, and a few breasts. Made a stock which turned out great. froze a few breasts for later use. Making a bacon wraped leg as the center piece surrounded by cipollini onions, baby carrots and celery root.

Randy Ritzow said...

How good is it???